Remember the song that played during that amazing summer with your friends? And the happy but melancholic way it makes you feel now? That’s what I want for my music. That in a few years, someone is listening to one of my songs and is reminded of that amazing summer with friends. Hi, I’m Simon and Blanks is my artist project, and people call me the overexcited music boy. Finding the perfect melody, lyric or sound gives me the best feeling in the world, I get so excited! And strangely enough, people seem to like that haha! My YouTube channel currently has over 1.2 million subscribers and my songs have millions of streams (and when I wake up it’s still true!) and even big media like Clash Magazine and MTV are supporting me. Since my fans are the reason I can do what I love, I thought I’d give them the opportunity to describe me and my music in one sentence: “if a golden retriever was a person and made music” - @smileyhyvck. “80s, indie, poppy, authentic music in one very enthusiastic and fresh package” - @bresht_v. “very tall, very excited boi” - @kennedyasberg