Much loved and acclaimed Brighton duo Blood Red Shoes return with an incredible, surprise new EP Ø which is both announced and released today digitally, with pre-orders for vinyl, cassette and CD versions all available for pre-order now available

Now in their 17th year as a band, the new Ø EP was created through a personal drive to make music, not for any kind of statement but from their sense of being themselves and not trying to be anyone else. As they explain, "Over the past few years we’ve really come to love and accept this about ourselves, and take pride in our outsiderdom, instead of seeing it as a problem or a weakness, or seeing ourselves as difficult."
This new EP for the duo is them "releasing our energies by jamming out good n loud and writing songs about psychopathic killers, about the grim reaper coming to get you in the night, about fear of intimacy, about those boring damn people who complain online 24/7 but never leave their armchair. It is us, being us, recorded, produced, mixed and everythingfuckingelse by us."
On why the EP is called Ø, they explain "We called it Ø because it’s the symbol on audio equipment to invert the signal. The flip switch. When you push the Ø button, positive becomes negative and negative becomes positive. Which feels very us. And it also makes it quite difficult for people to know how to say the name. Which is also very, very….us."
The band have already recently released the track 'A Little Love', and today release a new video for 'Misery Loves Company'
Speaking about 'Misery Loves Company', the band explain; “You talk in big old words but you got nothing to say”. A friendly little STFU to the armchair warriors. Those with the overactive thumbs. The ones who tell anyone and everyone that they’re doing it wrong, but never get up and do anything to help. Boring."