It all started with a boy and a dream, but nobody really wants to hear about all that now do they? Nor do they wanna hear about another singer from a band deciding to go off on his own to find his “voice” and make a solo record that “matters”.

Somewhere between the barrage of superlatives and the unwarranted argument of how this debut album challenges that of the post-Beatles solo work, folks just can’t help but to doze off. Sure it could be the lack of sleep, self medicating or early onset dementia, but let’s be honest. We don’t have the bandwidth for all of the quality material thrown at us today. Oh we try to keep up but how can we? I mean there’s 9 ‘Real Housewives’ reality shows concurrently running and American Idol just got picked up for season 17. And those priorities WILL NOT be compromised. So where does that leave us? Well if what you've read thus far hasn’t done it, just look at that profile pic. Doesn’t it make you wonder what those baby blues are stoically looking at off in the distance? A bird, a plane, a platinum record!? Nah, it’s probably just the demise of civilization as we know it crumbling into a sea of apathy. But don't worry, Rome didn’t fall in a day. There’s still plenty of time to ignore impending doom and enjoy the finer things in life, like this album. An 11-song journey through the life and times of a wayward Midlaker seeking to find purpose in uncharted lands. Will he find his way? Is this album better than ‘McCartney’? Listen and ye shall find.