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Gigs in Scotland

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Emmy the Great (Emma-Lee Moss) was born in Hong Kong to a Chinese mother and British father. Raised in rural England, she first emerged as part of the early-2000's London singer-songwriter boom. 

Emmy The Great

An album, First Love, followed in 2009. Set in an idealised English countryside, it told the story of a first heartbreak through vignettes.

Her second album, Virtue (2011), was recorded in the wake of a broken engagement. Lyrics filled with saints and impossible landscapes, it dealt with the aftermath of a fiancee who had suddenly found religion. Then followed a soundtrack for the motion picture Austenland, and released a Christmas album with Tim Wheeler of Ash.

Touring the world, she settled in Los Angeles and New York before releasing Second Love (2016), produced by Ludwig Göransson and Dave McCracken, featuring the single Swimming Pool. Now working with higher production values, her songs dealt with the pressures of online life, searching for 'meaning behind the noise'. The Guardian called it 'a benchmark smashed and an affecting portrait of a millennial lost soul.' She began translating songs into Mandarin and Cantonese, her second language. The results are collected in 再來的愛 EP.

Alongside studio albums, Moss works as a journalist, composer and radio presenter.