Falle aka Negus Falle is from Guinea. He speaks and sings in 8 languages, predominantly, Coniagui, Mandinka, Susu, Fulani, French and English. He has spent his life performing and travelling in West Africa. As a teenager he would train his voice by the great river Rio Nunez in Boké among the remnants of the slave trade, pathways and crumbling buildings being swallowed up by the forest. Since moving to the UK 3 years ago he has collaborated with a number of different artists. The EP Youkounkoun with Ghost Culture released under PRAH recordings received brilliant reviews from the grassroots right up to the BBC 6music playlisters. Their next collaborative EP Badiar is being released on 5th November. He collaborated on another EP Marasi with Sirwas that also received excellent reviews as the singles were released. “It’s (Wonama yo ema) a gently undulating collage of percussion, recorder-like keyboard sounds and Nioke’s soulful voice floating like a leaf caught on the breeze over the top.“ He has been performing tracks from all 3 of his EPs with his band at music festivals around the UK this summer and looks forward to an upcoming headline tour this winter. Falle features on single ‘Want This’ by Soma World released on AIP records. He also features on the single ‘Eloje’ by We Are Aya and album Xenolalia by Hanna Moule and the Moulettes

Falle aka Negus Falle is from Guinea. He speaks and sings in 8 languages, predominantly, Coniagui, Mandinka, Susu, Fulani, French and English. He has spent his life performing and travelling in West Africa. As a teenager he would train his voice by the great river Rio Nunez in Boké among the remnants of the slave trade, pathways and crumbling buildings being swallowed up by the forest. Since moving to the UK 3 years ago he has collaborated with a number of different artists. The EP Youkounkoun with Ghost Culture released under PRAH recordings received brilliant reviews from the grassroots right up to the BBC 6music playlisters. Their next collaborative EP Badiar is being released on 5th November. He collaborated on another EP Marasi with Sirwas that also received excellent reviews as the singles were released. “It’s (Wonama yo ema) a gently undulating collage of percussion, recorder-like keyboard sounds and Nioke’s soulful voice floating like a leaf caught on the breeze over the top.“ He has been performing tracks from all 3 of his EPs with his band at music festivals around the UK this summer and looks forward to an upcoming headline tour this winter. Falle features on single ‘Want This’ by Soma World released on AIP records. He also features on the single ‘Eloje’ by We Are Aya and album Xenolalia by Hanna Moule and the Moulettes