When ‘Cardboard Box’ by Flo dropped in March of 2022 and set the internet alight, it felt like nobody saw it coming. But of course, that wasn’t the case. The infectiously R&B-tinged ‘dump him sis’ lullaby that felt fresh but familiar was the result of almost 3 years of careful exploration and preparation. “And we still weren’t ready!” Jorja laughs. While nobody could have predicted the extent of the response that would instantly have them dubbed Britain’s hottest new girl group - Renée Downer, Stella Quaresma and Jorja Douglas had actually been the ones to push for that track as the perfect introduction for them to the world, and they were not wrong. “It felt like oh wow, everything has happened for a reason, this was the perfect moment,” explains Renée with Stella adding, “and it gave us a bit more trust and confidence when it did so well.”

When ‘Cardboard Box’ by Flo dropped in March of 2022 and set the internet alight, it felt like nobody saw it coming. But of course, that wasn’t the case. The infectiously R&B-tinged ‘dump him sis’ lullaby that felt fresh but familiar was the result of almost 3 years of careful exploration and preparation. “And we still weren’t ready!” Jorja laughs. While nobody could have predicted the extent of the response that would instantly have them dubbed Britain’s hottest new girl group - Renée Downer, Stella Quaresma and Jorja Douglas had actually been the ones to push for that track as the perfect introduction for them to the world, and they were not wrong. “It felt like oh wow, everything has happened for a reason, this was the perfect moment,” explains Renée with Stella adding, “and it gave us a bit more trust and confidence when it did so well.”
First formed in 2019 through scouting and audition processes, it just so happened that all three girls were already familiar with each other through either theatre school or social media when they ran into each other during the early stages of this opportunity. Gravitating towards each other instantly and navigating with the effortless ease of a sisterhood now, it’s a testament to the chemistry and care fostered between them over time behind the scenes. “We definitely learned that it was a blessing in disguise, because we did want to release music a lot earlier than we had. But we were in the studio loads, working on our sound, figuring that out. Also on how we sounded together, our blend. All really important things when you’re in a girl group,” Renée says.
Blending the rich tones and luscious melodies of R&B and soul with pitched up original samples, futuristic production, contagious hooks and candid, relatable lyricism, 2024 feels like yet another arrival for the group. First single of 2024 ‘Walk Like This’ pulls no punches as far as strut-worthy anthems go, Stella’s smoky tone on the chorus intoxicating and playful in its energy, over a reverberating bassline and sirenesque harmonies. On it, Flo proudly own their lover girl status, leaning into the sensual and the benefits of being blissfully boo’d up: “Relationships were such a key point for us, because we’re all in relationships,” Renée explains. “We all have a friendship, we have working relationships, there’s so much within that one category.” Follow up ‘Caught Up’ is the flip side of that same coin - showcasing their signature harmonies and R&B flair as they deliver a cautionary tale to a trifling lover urging him to resist the temptation of other women or face the consequences of his actions.
At the core of FLO as they step into this next chapter, is embracing and subverting their power as strong young women who are just getting started. Taking the things they love and refracting them through refreshing new lenses. “We are the brains and the heart and the life and soul behind Flo,” Jorja says proudly. Stella agrees, “it comes from us!” And when it comes to what they have their sights set on, they all answer quickly at once saying some version of ‘world domination’. Already in such uncharted territory, the possibilities are endless. Jorja summarises with a flair, “invincible, untouchable, unstoppable. Get that on a pillow.” Wherever this road takes Flo next, one thing we know for certain is that they are firmly in the driver’s seat.