The perrennial indie pop outfit Iglu & Hartly cut its teeth in the glitter and grime of Y2K Hollywood and found an unlikely home in the punk rock legacy of Hermosa Beach, CA.

These early California experiences inspired their 2008 worldwide hit ‘In This City’. UK (Singles) #5 US (ALT) #35 IR (IRMA) #9 BG #9 Japan #85
Known for raucous,sweaty and widley packed shows, Iglu & Hartly toured the UK and Europe extensively before being unceremoniously dropped by their record label causing members to go seperate ways. Iglu & Hartly lay Dormant for 10 + years before headlining the Hermosa Beach Music Festival in 2019. “Cooler’ was released in 2020, which rose to #1 on LA radio mainstay, KROQ for an incredible 8 weeks in a row.
”Iglu & Hartly is more than a band, its an ideal. The musical embodiment of freedom- where everyone has permission to be themselves and pursue their dreams. Iglu & Hartly has a bit of everything- high energy thumping choruses, rap verses noodled in synthy soundscapes. I try and give the songs a timeless nostalgic presence” - Jarvis Anderson (frontman/writer/producer, Iglu & Hartly)