With a reach in his tone to match Sam Smith and James Blunt he draws inuences from the likes of honest songwriters such as James Morrison, Damien Rice and David Gray. John combines his live organic sound and impressive vocal ability with a minimal electronic producon to make a sound that is sasfyingly dierent from the usual guitar wielding Singer/Songwriter.

Marrying easy melodies with strong digital rhythms he’s created a collecon of songs that arrive at a sweet spot between todays pop and the tradional evocave folk he was raised on. Growing up in poverty there was a strong emphasis on educaon. With his father’s words ‘Get good grades and you’ll get a good job’ echoing through his mind John went from School, to Uni and back to School again as a Mathemacs Teacher. Aer 2 years of a nine to ve the craving to be creave overrode the comfort of a secure job and he took a leap of faith and le the profession to become a musician. To make up for the late start John threw himself in to music and started busking on the streets, using the money to pay for his rst release, ngly entled "The Pavement is My Stage”. The gamble paid o and John has gone