Ft. Der Schöne und das Biest with support from Ciaran Murray + Calvin McKee + Luther Hall + Sam Baird
Headline act Der Schöne und das Biest are Christoph Lentz & Janine Phillipe, a duo from Trier, Germany making their first visit as a collective to Scotland.
Supporting is Calvin McKee a talented songwriter from Glasgow who is no stranger to sessions in King Tut’s, Ciaran Murray the frontman for The Painting, formerly Arcade State, Luther Hall a singer songwriter and virtuoso guitar player from Ayrshire and at just 15 years old, Sam Baird, an exciting and experienced performer.

Ft. Der Schöne und das Biest with support from Ciaran Murray + Calvin McKee + Luther Hall + Sam Baird
Headline act Der Schöne und das Biest are Christoph Lentz & Janine Phillipe, a duo from Trier, Germany making their first visit as a collective to Scotland.
Supporting is Calvin McKee a talented songwriter from Glasgow who is no stranger to sessions in King Tut’s, Ciaran Murray the frontman for The Painting, formerly Arcade State, Luther Hall a singer songwriter and virtuoso guitar player from Ayrshire and at just 15 years old, Sam Baird, an exciting and experienced performer.