Artist Spotlight: The Amazons

Artist Spotlight With Reading-based four piece The Amazons
The Amazons have projected their way to the forefront of the UK Rock scene, with their formidable riffs, anthemic choruses and ferocious live shows.
The Amazons latest anthem-packed album ‘How Will I Know If Heaven Will Find Me?’ is both a love letter and a rallying cry. Expansive, uplifting, sun-drenched singalongs produced with Jim Abbiss (Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, Adele) find the Reading rockers transpiring from the darkness of 2019’s Future Dust full of lust for life and post-pandemic optimism.
1. Tell us a bit about your latest album ‘How Will I Know If Heaven Will Find Me?’
‘The album was mostly inspired by my long distance relationship during lockdown.’
2. Which artists have you been inspired by?
‘I’ve listed a few songs that I’ve been listening to recently below to give you an idea...’
Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place
New Order - Age of Consent
Victoria Canal - swan song
Madonna - Ray of Light
The Replacements - Can’t Hardly Wait
3. Best gig you have played to date?
‘We recently played a Roman Amphitheatre in Vienne, France. The sun was setting, the sound was incredible, and the wine was flowing.’
4. A ‘pinch me’ moment in your musical career so far?
‘So far, it’s being chased by fans down a street in Seoul, South Korea.’
5. Which artist would you love to collaborate with in the future?
‘I love Sigrid’s music. I started a song with Mike from Royal Blood last year and It had a glam feel. I want to finish it when we have the time.’