Callum Beattie | Scottish Spotlight

Meet Edinburgh-born singer/songwriter Callum Beattie...
Callum has been hard at music for almost half his life, making his own chances, taking chances and, for sure, being a chancer. The Edinburgh-born singer-songwriter has progressed from bad gigs in pubs, to where he is now: a singer-songwriter with a punchy, rousing, emotive and gloriously catchy debut album that scored a No.1 in The Official Scottish Albums Chart.
1. Which artists have you been inspired by?
I was raised on my dad’s vinyl collection, so Bowie, Elton John, Led Zeppelin - we wore the grooves out of those records, and I knew the name of every songwriter on them. I knew from then that there was nothing else I’d ever want to do.
2. Tell us a bit about your latest single ‘Heart Stops Beating’?
It’s a song about having a relationship, how can I put this, I suppose a relationship that’s not exactly healthy, slightly illicit, but still finding yourself head over heels in love - man, I’ve made my life so complicated!
Check out Callum's latest single 'Can't Kill The Summer' below...
3. Best gig you have played in Scotland to date?
So far, it definitely has to be TRNSMT- as a young festival goer, T in the Park was the highlight of my year, so playing at TRNSMT was genuinely and truly a bucket list thing for me to do. How do I beat that? I’d love to be on the main stage, so that’s the latest bucket list addition!
4. Favourite Scottish place for a pint?
Well, I do like an occasional pint to be fair! When the weather has been the way it is lately, any beer garden in Scotland is amazing for a pint. Best people, best beer and best pubs. Can’t beat that.
5. Which artist would you love to collaborate with in the future?
It just has to be the Boss. If I could pick anyone to collaborate with, it’s just always going to be Springsteen - a legendary artist and writer, who has always stuck to his guns and done things his way, whether it’s right or wrong, and I love that.
See Callum Beattie perform live at SWG3, Glasgow on the 23rd and 24th November 2022! Final tickets available here...
Photo Credits - Gavin Watson